

My events of tonight. Made Mac n cheese. I ate every noodle of it, then baked hot wings for a long 30 minutes. As I waited, I sat and used up my phones battery. The waiting period has ended and wings were my next enjoyment. Washed my hands thoroughly of all wing residue. Sat in bed and jumped onto Netflix. I began watching a piece about The New York Times. As I allowed a sudden and persistent wave of inspiration over me. Other things were happening throughout my body. I began to think of ways I may become a better writer and storyteller through my conscious mind. Meanwhile my subconscious mind had a completely different game plan. As the 90 minutes went by on the documentary 90 minutes was the time it took for my body to say, "erick, those wings and macaroni didn't make me happy" a little bit of heat and persistence by body put through to me, I now sit here on an unusual but common looking seat, satisfying my writing inspiration and the indirect housecleaning of my dinners'e outcome.
And here is the picture of the night.

P.S I still have not found my card reader. Damn!

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