
The end of the '12

Christmas has came and gone. It was a great yet disappointing day. Though I think that is usually how most days end up being like. I hope many people disagree.
I slept at my grandmas for the first time and damn was it cold, one detail I do not miss about that woman's house. Our Christmas takes place on the eve of the day. Which I would consider part of the day I will call great. I didn't get any gifts except for a target gift card... Mexican tequila is how we ended the night.
Then following the cold sleep at my grandmas, the family reunited once again and ate another huge feast. Got a good deal of food to keep my night active with my buddies on a day I feel is the most boring of the year. Several of my pals got together baked some salt wrapped chickens and consumed quite a bit of "fun" beverages and stretched the good times till the day ended making Christmas Day a non boring day. The disappointments of the day are a bit complicated and I feel are too personal for the Internet. Sorry y'all.

No picture today, there will be pics up soon, very soon. Thanks to my target gift card, I will use it to replace my lost card reader! Yes! Highlight of my week.

Hasta la vista baby!



My events of tonight. Made Mac n cheese. I ate every noodle of it, then baked hot wings for a long 30 minutes. As I waited, I sat and used up my phones battery. The waiting period has ended and wings were my next enjoyment. Washed my hands thoroughly of all wing residue. Sat in bed and jumped onto Netflix. I began watching a piece about The New York Times. As I allowed a sudden and persistent wave of inspiration over me. Other things were happening throughout my body. I began to think of ways I may become a better writer and storyteller through my conscious mind. Meanwhile my subconscious mind had a completely different game plan. As the 90 minutes went by on the documentary 90 minutes was the time it took for my body to say, "erick, those wings and macaroni didn't make me happy" a little bit of heat and persistence by body put through to me, I now sit here on an unusual but common looking seat, satisfying my writing inspiration and the indirect housecleaning of my dinners'e outcome.
And here is the picture of the night.

P.S I still have not found my card reader. Damn!


This is the word

I have been super unproductive and a huge procrastinator. It is not a good way of living. I think I am lacking that motivation that will make me MOVE! Or I need to realize what I am realizing right now and get up!

So that is what I am going to do. BYE! well Updating this here blog will be the start of the productivity. So... yolo?? haha.

-No picture today-

I have misplaced my card reader and still in search for it. Until then.

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