

Time has passed, months have gone by. It is now mid May. I was last seen on here when winter was still biting us in the ass. now the heat is going to pounce on us all! That is how much time has passed, and I leave all, ALL, of my 6 followers in the dark. In this post I am going to fill you in on this large gap of time. January happened, then it went to February following that March arrived with blossoms. April showed up without showers, and now May is killing the blossoms and bringing in the treacherous heat. Done. Bye!
Joke! how can I end a post without my random pointless ramble. These months have been very cool, I traveled as much as I possibly could. The bad thing is that it has been soooo long, that I don't remember everything. I do know that I met a girl, a special girl in January, one that I still keep in close contact! ;) In February nothing out of the ordinary happened aside from my favorite bike being out of commission. That was fixed as soon as March made its appearance, as well as a new member to my cycle family. A brand new road bike with 105 Shimano goods. The days of March went on and my trip to Seattle was quickly approaching. The trip was a success. I have several shots, nothing great since I have already shot there. I just wanted to take in the free time and let it soak. After that short week away from the boring central valley. I was told that I will go to Mexico for another week.
Here is Seattle version of gum alley. If you have ever seen the San Luis Obisbo Gum Alley there is a big difference between the two.

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