I went on a two week vacation two weeks ago. My main goal was to capture images that I would not be able to create near my home town. Since this was going to span over 2,000 miles. I was sure to capture some really good images. I hope. I'm gonna pick the top ten images that I think are worth sharing. All of these images have minor edits, only to correct color and other minor things.
This first image is of the boring desert in Texas, this state is the largest in the union and also the most boring state to drive through. This is actually the coolest view of the western part of Texas are hills like this. Other than that, there is nothing.

About an hour away or so from New Orleans, we drove through hurricane territory. There were all kinds of houses like this all throughout the coast, it was really wierd to see. The shoulder on these roads wasn't big enough to stop on so I just did my best to capture this as we drove by. I asked someone at the Gas station at the nearest town why these house were all built like this, they said that this prevent them from flooding when hurricane season is there. These are really nice houses and cool looking too. I asked myself why would they build house in such a dangerous spot. Know one knows the force mother nature can put out, especially in this specific area. I think land is super cheap here.

Also swamps are huge in the southern part of Louisiana. There is just acres upon acres of swamp everywhere. And has plenty of wildlife to go with it. I was told that there are more alligator in Louisiana than there is in the Everglades of Florida. So I did find an alligator. It was small but very scary looking.
Eee... nice shot, but scary looking. It kind of looks like something from Predator.