Just about two weeks ago, a buddy let me barrow his fisheye lens. I knew he had this lens for some time, but I never bothered to ask him if I'd be able to take some shots. Until now.

This shot here I took off of the Golden State near Fresno. A friend of mine bought the new 7d, so we were out shooting long exposures. Most well actually all the shot were taken with the 7d. This was the only shot taken with my SLR. This lens is actually really impressive. Its the Canon 14mm EF f/2.8. On the APS-C crop sensor the fisheye-ness isn't too extreme. On my full frame 35mm you can really put this 14mm to use.

This next image was the second picture I shot with this lens, and this is incredibly wide. I read the specs on this and it has a 183 degree view. This can only be seen with a full frame sensor or a 35mm film SLR.
I wish I had a comparison shot of the same scene with the 14mm to show the actual difference between APS-C sensor and the great full frame! I do have this image which was taken with the same lens on the 7d.

Here you see a real conservative fish eye shot. Not as exaggerated as the first two, but still gets real amazing shots. This last image was not processed at all just came straight off of the sensor. This really limits the capability of the lens, makes it seem like it's shot with my 28mm from film SLR. Not saying this lens is crap on these limited cameras, it just needs the 10mm to have the same effect. That also comes with a higher price.
All in all this lens performed much better than I had expected. It has a fast aperture and a decent AF. Soon I will buy this lens, but first there are other goodies I need to get.
My favorites are the first and last one, especially the first. It looks like something from National Geographic or some kind of documentary bit.