The Emerald City
I took this at the Pikes Place Market, but no way would you think this is there. When I look at it as is, I think of some pre WWII alley in Europe somewhere. I saw this on the super long up-hill walk to the extra expensive parking 5 blocks away. Only four people are showing, but it was actually really busy up at the main area of the market which is like just around the corner, kinda weird now that I think about it. This is one of the few images that stood out on the mini vacation I took.
I suppose I can put up a couple others for your enjoyment.
This is a pigeon, one of millions walking and flying and being annoying on the sidewalks. It gets me wondering why do these animals still exist? Who still uses carrier pigeons? If they aren't used. I would think there is no reason for them to continue roaming. No! I mean, annoying this planet. All they do is mooch off pedestrian trash and other trash. That is what I think of pigeons. Now the picture, this is how it was taken, all I did was subtract the color and add the filter. And I love it! : ) There is nothing I would change.
This is the skyline of New York City, if you believed me? I'm feel bad for you and I'm sorry for your gullibility or poor sense of famous landmarks. Any who, I'm not digging this photograph other than it's a cool feeling b&w picture and I got the opportunity to see this sight of such a badass city. You might be saying, "What don't you dig about this?" well my answer is, look at the upper right corner, then the lower left. Once you've seen both, look at the upper left and lower right. Now everything physical that you see between those four points. I don't dig. If you google Seattle Skyline, (<-click that, it's my help to you) then look at the images. What do you see? The same thing as this picture I took. Though, I can say that I have taken a picture of a major city skyline. You can also put a name/person behind this image, unlike other random google images.
This here is a pig, I heard it's quite known. Her name is Rachel, doesn't look like a Rachel to me or a female. So I'll refer to it as a pig. It is a bronze, life size piggy bank. I might have thrown in whatever change I had in my pocket. Hundreds and thousands of people visit the Pikes Place Market each year, so I wonder how much money that pig is given and how often it fills up. That pig would be the only baller pig I know,and it's fake. What's this world coming to, haha.
See ya.
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